Monday, December 23, 2019

5-minutes Information channel Episode #17 Big Data & Libraries by Muhamm...

Big Data is a term used to describe a collection of data that is huge in size and yet growing exponentially with time. In short such data is so large and complex that none of the traditional data management tools are able to store it or process it efficiently.
Characteristics of Big Data
Big Data Characteristics has 3V’s
Volume of the Data
The amount of data matters. With big data, you’ll have to process high volumes of low-density, unstructured data.
*5.4 Billion Search on Google search Engine per day
*400 hours of content uploaded on YouTube each minute

Velocity of the Data
Velocity is the fast rate of Spreading anywhere else i.e. Internet, Social Media and etc.
* Speed of a single tweets on Twitter
* View of a snap shot on Instagram
Variety of the Data
Variety refers to the many types of data that are available. Data types, such as text, audio, pdf and video, databases and etc.
Watch video to further know about it Big Data

Friday, December 6, 2019

5-minutes Information channel Episode #15 Kudos : Kudos Scholarly Reputa...

Kudos is a scholarly representation sites start its services in April 2014. The Kudos provides you with simple tools and guidance to help you maximize readership and citations for your work. Kudos is a free service for the Research Community. Kudos then maps communications actions to publication metrics and provides authors with dashboards and graphs showing how outreach efforts influence readership, discussion and citations of their work. Kudos is free Altmetric Services help your publication to rise publications through Kudos, There are feature of researcher publications you have to share in Kudos Explain Image Share Audience Resources Kudos is support Researcher, Publishers, Institutions Partners, Crossref Editage Editorial Manager Jisc Collections ORCID

5-minutes Information channel Episode #15 Kudos : Kudos Scholarly Reputa...