Monday, December 23, 2019

5-minutes Information channel Episode #17 Big Data & Libraries by Muhamm...

Big Data is a term used to describe a collection of data that is huge in size and yet growing exponentially with time. In short such data is so large and complex that none of the traditional data management tools are able to store it or process it efficiently.
Characteristics of Big Data
Big Data Characteristics has 3V’s
Volume of the Data
The amount of data matters. With big data, you’ll have to process high volumes of low-density, unstructured data.
*5.4 Billion Search on Google search Engine per day
*400 hours of content uploaded on YouTube each minute

Velocity of the Data
Velocity is the fast rate of Spreading anywhere else i.e. Internet, Social Media and etc.
* Speed of a single tweets on Twitter
* View of a snap shot on Instagram
Variety of the Data
Variety refers to the many types of data that are available. Data types, such as text, audio, pdf and video, databases and etc.
Watch video to further know about it Big Data

Friday, December 6, 2019

5-minutes Information channel Episode #15 Kudos : Kudos Scholarly Reputa...

Kudos is a scholarly representation sites start its services in April 2014. The Kudos provides you with simple tools and guidance to help you maximize readership and citations for your work. Kudos is a free service for the Research Community. Kudos then maps communications actions to publication metrics and provides authors with dashboards and graphs showing how outreach efforts influence readership, discussion and citations of their work. Kudos is free Altmetric Services help your publication to rise publications through Kudos, There are feature of researcher publications you have to share in Kudos Explain Image Share Audience Resources Kudos is support Researcher, Publishers, Institutions Partners, Crossref Editage Editorial Manager Jisc Collections ORCID

5-minutes Information channel Episode #15 Kudos : Kudos Scholarly Reputa...

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Wikipedia Source of Information

What is the Wikipedia?
Wikipedia began with its first edit on 15 January 2001, two days after the domain was registered[2] by Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger. Its technological and conceptual underpinnings and predates this

Wikipedia multilingual online encyclopedia created and maintained as an open collaboration project by a community of volunteer editors using a wiki-based editing system. It is the largest and most popular general reference work on the World Wide Web, and is one of the most popular websites ranked No. 5 by Alexa Survey as of October 2019. It features exclusively free content and no commercial ads, and is owned and supported by the Wikimedia Foundation, a non-profit organization funded primarily through donations.
Wikipedia is the Free Encyclopedia website having support near about the 16-Language has more than 1-Million Articles, (English, Spanish, French, Deutsch, Polish, Chinese and etc.)
(47-Language has more than 100 thousand article )
What are the characteristics of Wikipedia?
Anyone can create the Page on Wikipedia
Anyone Can edit the Page
Google has list top search
Free content creative commons

What is the reliability of Wikipeida?
Al-though a large number of Wikipeida source citations are verified and reliable. 
But There are a large number of citation need to verify and required to edit. Most of research scholars think Wikipedia is not scholarly reliable source for the researchers? However a large number of scholar reliable  source if reference is verifiable from original source. In each article only 5 to 10% source need verification however, other 85 to 90% source are verifiable. In our opinion its totally depend upon the article citation source.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

5-minutes Information Channel APA Citation Style and Reference Managemen...

This episode # 11 we learn about the APA Citation Style and
reference management. Now let us move on the tutorial.

´  In
this video we learn about  What is APA
Citation Style?
´  How
Researcher/Scholar can Cite APA Format
´  In-Text
´   Double Quotation Citation
´  Research

´  What
is APA Citation Style
                APA format is the official style
of the American Psychological Association (APA) and is commonly used
to cite sources in psychology, education, and the social sciences.1
The APA style originated in a 1929 article published in Psychological
 that laid out the basic guidelines. These guidelines were
eventually expanded into the APA Publication Manual.

´  In
Text Citation
Text citation means when a research cites the work of the any author/source in
his/her own words.
In Text Citation There are three possibilities either you
cite in the beginning , or middle of the sentence or end of the sentence.
In the Beginning of the Sentence
´  In
Text in the Beginning of the Sentence

(2017) study about the medical education and learning with artificial
Intelligence tool.
Author Last Name (Year)

Monday, August 5, 2019

5 minutes information Channel Episode # 6 Literature Review, Purpose & Characteristics

5-mintues information channel Episode # 6 about the Literature review. Literature review is the very vast topic but this video I will cover following aspect of the literature review of our viewers, new research scholar, students and others.
What is the literature review?
A literature review is a search and evaluation of the available literature in your given subject or chosen topic area. It documents the state of the art with respect to the subject or topic you are writing about.
What is the purpose of Literature review?
There are following purpose research do the literature review
• To see what has and has not been investigated.
• To identify data sources that other researchers have used.
• To learn how others have defined and measured key concepts.
• To develop alternative research projects.
• To put your work in perspective.
• To demonstrate your understanding, and your ability to critically evaluate research in the field.
• To provide evidence that may be used to support your own findings .i.e. Discussion Segments.

What are the Characteristics of the Good Literature Review?

 Characteristics of Good Literature review
 Write Clarity & sum up the narrative of review items (Articles, Book Chapters and Conference Papers etc.)
 Topic/Subject Models/Theoretical frame work/Thematic Match from the Topic
 Topic covers From Broad to Narrow and all the aspects International to local literature
 Literature pick up form Authentic Sources i.e Scopus, Web of Science or other renown indexing cites

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

5 Minutes Information (Introductory Episode) By Muhammad Yousuf Ali

5 minutes information Channels presents video clips related to Information Science, Information Management, Library Science, and Information Literacy for the viewers. This is an introductory video in first phase first episode of this web series channel will be on air soon. The duration of video clips is not more that 5-minutes due to this we called 5 minutes information. I invite my viewer if you want any video clips please mentioned us in comments columns. I will also welcome your feedback and suggestions to improve this channel and video clips.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Search Engine and it type by Muhammad Yousuf Ali

Search Engine and its types 

by Muhammad Yousuf Ali

Search Engine
Multiple websites indexing a program that searches for and identifies items in a database that correspond to keywords or characters specified by the user, used especially for finding particular sites on the World Wide Web.
A search engine is a web site that collects and organizes content from all over the internet.
History of Search Engine
Foundation date of the renown search engine are mentioned as under; 
Jump Station, 1993 The father of search engine Jonathon Fletcher
Yahoo was founded by David Filo and Jerry Yang in 1994 (originally known as Ask Jeeves) is a question answering search engine, founded in 1996 by Garrett Gruener and David Warthen
Google was founded in 1998 by Larry age and Sergey Brin 
Bing owned and operated by Microsoft Launched in 2009
Types of Search Engine
There are four types of search engines;
        Crawler based search engines
        Hybrid search engines
       Meta search engines
1.Crawler based search engines
Search engines use a "spider" or a "crawler" to search the Internet.  The crawler digs through individual web pages, pulls out keywords and then adds the pages to the search engine's database.  Google and Yahoo are examples of crawler search engines.
The advantage of crawlers are:
      They contain a huge amount of pages.  
      Ease of use.  
      Familiarity.  Most people who search the Internet are familiar with Google.
2. Directories
Directories are human-powered search engines.  A website is submitted to the directory and must be approved for inclusion by the editorial staff.  Open Directory Project and the Internet Public Library are examples of directories.
      Yahoo Directory (
      Open Directory (
3. Hybrid search engines
Hybrids are a mix of crawlers and directories.  Sometimes, you have a choice when you search whether to search the Web or a directory.  Other times, you may receive both human-powered results and crawler results for the same search.  In this case, the human results are usually listed first.
4. Meta Search Engine
Meta-search engines are ones that search several other search engines at once and combines the results into one list.  While you get more results with Meta-search engines, the relevancy and quality of the results may sometimes suffer.  Dogpile and Clusty are examples of Meta search engines.
·        Dogpile
*    Clusty